everything on your mobile device....

Did you know that the heaviest phone in our database is the Samsung Galaxy Camera GC100? At a hefty 300g, this is one chunky headset though we should give it props for having an entire point and shoot camera built in. 21x optical zoom with OIS, xenon flash and everything!

Samsung Galaxy Camera GC100
Samsung Galaxy Camera GC100
Okay, "phone" may be a bit of a stretch here but when you look at the extremes of each measurement you are bound to find some oddities. We should disclose that we filtered out the most unpopular devices - everything on this list is odd sure, but not unheard of.
If you're into selfies, the Vivo V7 (and V7+) have 24MP front cameras. That's 8MP more than the rear camera!
vivo V7
vivo V7
The Gionee M2017 has the biggest battery - an insane 7,000mAh power bank! That's nearly 1,000mAh more than the second beset phone and boy are we glad it has fast charging support.
Gionee M2017
Gionee M2017
We've not tested its battery endurance, unfortunately. Of those we've tested, the Lenovo P2 is the battery endurance champ - it can last up to 149 hours on one charge. It goes to show what a big battery and efficient chipset can do.
Lenovo P2
Lenovo P2
The most ear-piercing loudspeaker we've ever tested was on the Huawei Mate 9 Pro. We would have bet it would be some old handset, but no. Huawei found a way to crank out a lot of volume out of a 7.5mm thick phone.
Huawei Mate 9 Pro
Huawei Mate 9 Pro
Memory is important. The most storage you can get - not counting memory card - is 512GB with an iPhone X. You can top that by combining an Asus Zenfone 2 Deluxe (256GB on board) and a 400GB microSD.
Apple iPhone X Asus Zenfone 2 Deluxe ZE551ML
Apple iPhone X • Asus Zenfone 2 Deluxe ZE551ML
As of June last year, there are multiple phones with 8GB of RAM too. And quite a few phones have 10-core CPUs. That makes them practically commonplace and they don't belong in this cabinet of curiosities.
Here are a few easy to guess phones. The phone with the highest screen pixel density is... well, a tie between Sony's Xperia Z5 Premium and XZ Premium (both with 5.5" 4K screens). The highest resolution camera is on the Nokia 808 PureView, of course.
Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Sony Xperia XZ Premium Nokia 808 PureView
Sony Xperia Z5 Premium • Sony Xperia XZ Premium • Nokia 808 PureView
We leave with one final superlative - the most talked-about phone on our site is none other than the Nokia N8.
Nokia N8
Nokia N8

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