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Recently, Samsung effectively acknowledged a battery issue with its Galaxy Note8 flagship.
And now the company might be facing a problem with the Galaxy S8 and S8+ as some users report their units randomly wake up without being touched.
Here's how an affected user explained the issue on Samsung's official forums:
My new S8+ phone has started waking up from lock screen every 10 sec or so. I did factory reset but it did not fix the issue. This is really annoying. I did google search and it seems that others are also having similar problem. I tried to turn off everything in settings menu that might cause this but still did not help.
Some users even recorded the whole problem and shared the videos. Here's one that clearly shows the issue:

Needless to say, such a behavior leads to faster battery drain. In addition to the Galaxy S8/S8+, some Galaxy Note8 users have also experienced the issue. Samsung is yet to comment on the matter.

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